Love Tarot Reading
Love & Relationship Guidance using Tarot Cards
Service Description
A love tarot reading includes a 6 card pull using a tarot deck of the readers choosing, over the course of 30 minutes. These readings are best utilized when you are experiencing turmoil or confusion in your love life and/or relationships, you wish to inquire about a certain individual of interest, or you are seeking love and connection in your life and wish to know the steps required to become more open to love in the future. Sometimes in a general reading, we may find ourselves shifting in a specific direction, because it is a subject that your Spirits wish to bring to your attention. It is asked that you please refrain from "feeding" your reader too much information during the reading. You may certainly talk and ask questions, but let the information come forth naturally through the cards. If what the reader is saying resonates, it is perfectly fine to confirm. Not talking whatsoever can create a block between you and your reader. So, it is advised that you find a nice balance between saying too much and nothing at all.